We were to create objects, which challenge the “architectural fantasy” by using scans of dry plant parts placed in a slide frame. The curves extracted from these pictures should be copied into a CAD-program (Rhino 3.0). I built this city with the very limited operations allowed (i. e. turn, scale, extrude, mirror, copy, create surfaces from edge curves). The basis was a scan of a physalis leaf. A helicopter and a ship were only added to give the pictures a scale. Physalis City is very decentral, if seen only from above. The street map is organic, in contrast to the rectangular Manhattan, for example. Buildings of such shape are not utopian, they already exist (e. g. in Frankfurt). Just like the plant’s sap, traffic and goods flow through the streets of this city. Surrounded by water, Physalis City could be situated on an artificial island like the one in Tokio.